India committing worst state terrorism in Kashmir: Farrukh

ISLAMABAD, Jan 05 (APP): Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Farrukh Habib said on Wednesday that Indian Armed Forces were continuously committing worst state terrorism against innocent Kashmiris in Indian Illegally Occupied Kashmir.

In a message on January 5 on the Right to Self-determination Day, he said the day besides both sides of the Line of Control was being observed across the globe to express solidarity with the oppressed and innocent Kashmiris.

The minister said on January 5, 1949, the UN Security Council had adopted a unanimous resolution to grant Kashmiris right to self determination, a promise Kashmiris still waiting to be fulfilled.

The Kashmir issue, he said, was taken to the UN by India itself and had pledged in a unanimous resolution to give Kashmiris the right to vote but it acted otherwise.
He said Kashmirs were carrying the freedom movement with full enthusiasm to attain independence from the Indian brutal occupation.

The international community, including the European Union, has urged India to stop human rights violations in the occupied state and find a permanent solution to this dispute, acceptable to all parties.