Senate passes ICT LG Amendment Bill 2022

ISLAMABAD, Dec 23 (APP): The Senate on Friday passed the Islamabad Capital Territory Local Government (Amendment) Bill 2002, increasing the number of union councils from 101 to 125.

The bill was moved by Minister of State for Law and Justice Shahadat Awan.

According to the amended bill, the number of union councils has been enhanced from 101 to 125 within the Islamabad Capital Territory to cater to its existing population, while the mayor and deputy mayor will be directly elected as joint candidates by the voters.

Under the amendment, the Federal Government has been authorised to increase or decrease the number of union councils from time to time.

“If the office of the mayor of local government falls vacant during the term of the council for any reason, the Election Commission shall hold a fresh election to the office of the head of the local government,” the bill reads.

According to the statement of Objects and Reasons, Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) Local Government Act was promulgated in 2015 to establish an elected local government system to devolve political, administrative, and financial authority in order to promote good governance and effective service delivery through the institutionalized participation and involvement of people in day to day governance.

Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI) is a municipal body established under the ICT Local Government (Amendment) Act, 2022.

Administrator MCI has proposed amendments in sections 6,12 and 29 of the Act to increase the number of UCs to cater to the existing population of Islamabad and to improve the procedure of mayor and deputy mayor’s election.
