National Front urges Kashmiris to observe 27 October as black day

ISLAMABAD, Oct 24 (APP): Jammu and Kashmir National Front, while urging Kashmiris to observe 27th October as a black day, has said that the invasion of Kashmir by the Indian army was the most atrocious incident that threw the region into throes of instability and perpetual violence.

In a statement issued received here Tuesday, the JKNF spokesman Shafiq ur Rehman said that October 27 marks the beginning of the Indian Occupation of the territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

“It was on this day in 1947 that the so-called secular leaders of India rushed its troops to Srinagar in the dark of night and trampled down the Kashmiris’ political and democratic rights for which they had themselves fought for years together under and against British rule”, Rehman said.

He said that India’s attempt to legalize its illegality rests on a bogus instrument of accession signed by the Maharaja.

Referring to British historian, Alister Lamb, Khan said that the author in his book had convincingly demonstrated that the “Instrument of accession” was bogus.

The JKNF spokesman said that India’s perpetual denial to grant the right of self-determination to the people of Kashmir has brought death and destruction in the region.

“Kashmiris are being brutally victimized by 900,000 Indian military and paramilitary personnel deployed in length and breadth of Kashmir”, he said. “During the past three decades alone, more than 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed because of India’s mammoth military occupation and savagery”, he further said.

He said that on the one hand, India had backtracked from the commitments it had made vis-à-vis the resolution of the Kashmir dispute, while on the other, its imperialistic designs in the region pose a serious existential threat to Kashmiris.

He said that the Modi government’s 5th August move had further pushed the region into uncertainty, chaos and lawlessness.

Urging the Indian government to shun its policy of intransigence, he said that dialogue was the only way forward to seek a just and lasting settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

Reiterating the Kashmiris’ pledge to take the ongoing struggle to its logical conclusion, he expressed optimism that the day was not far when the people of Kashmir would achieve their cherished goal of freedom.