CM warns strict action against violators of corona SOPs

LAHORE, June 14 (APP):-:Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar said on Sunday that under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan,
a comprehensive strategy was being adopted to cope with coronavirus.

In a statement, he said the government had taken collective decisions with mutual consultations without any waste of time.

He outlined that the nation would have to strictly follow precautionary
measures to impede the spread of coronavirus and vowed to take up essential measures in order to protect lives of the masses.

The CM warned that stringent legal action would be taken against those for failing to implement corona SOPs.

Usman Buzdar underscored that the government had to safeguard the masses not only from the economic constraints but also from corona pandemic.

He lamented that those elements criticizing effective strategy of the
government were blind to the ground realities.

He regretfully remarked that those making vague statements had forgotten
the masses in their difficult time and such elements by playing politics
on the lives of the masses were ruining their worldly lives and their lives

Usman Buzdar urged the masses to wear masks and avoid going out
of their houses without genuine need or reason.

He exhorted the shopkeepers to strictly adhere to the corona SOPs as public cooperation was imperative to curb the spread of coronavirus.